AP英语12 - AP文学和写作
傲慢与偏见 简·奥斯汀(ISBN: 9780141439518)(学生购买)
整个夏天,读《傲慢与偏见》的第一卷和第二卷. While reading, make sure you have a working understanding of the Regency period in England. Take the time to research the importance of primogeniture, entailment, and preferment. Pay close attention to how Austen utilizes 设置 and characterization in the novel也.
We will start with Volume III when school begins and write about the novel shortly thereafter.
另外,请从下面的小说中选择一本单独阅读. 当我们回来时, we will crowd source information for these texts (since there are many possible titles on the AP exam): 《有信誉的网投平台十大》, 《有信誉的网投平台十大》, 看不见的人, 霍华德庄园, 毒木圣经, 赎罪, 所有漂亮的马, 紫色, 觉醒, 远大前程》, 他们的眼睛注视着上帝, 亲爱的, 《青年艺术家的肖像, 黑暗之心, 罪与罚